Tips to Choose and Enjoy Hami Melons

Hami melon (scientific name: Cucumis melo Hami) is one of the varieties of melons. The fruit is olive-shaped and bullet-shaped, and the peel is either reticulated or not. The color pulp differs depending on the variety – mostly green, white, or orange. The " Xinjiang Huibu Chronicle " from Qing Dynasty said: "Since the beginning of Kangxi, Hami surrendered; this melon was the tribute and called Hami melon." Therefore, it was the tribute fruit of Xinjiang during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, so it is also called the Xinjiang melon or tribute melon.

To grow melons, sufficient sunlight and a significant temperature difference between day and night are required. It can fully exert photosynthesis during the day, while the respiration consumption at night is small. Therefore, it has a high sugar content and a delightful taste. It is mainly produced in Xinjiang Province, where the temperature is high and the temperature difference between day and night is significant. Other origins often use "Hami melon" as a common name for reticulated melons. There are two types of melons. Only the reticulated melons produced in Xinjiang are Hami Melons.

How about choosing melons? 1) There is no need to be greedy. It is vital to choose a medium size with no flaws and corruption. 2) Freshly picked fruit stems are green and plump, and the flesh is crisp; if the stems are slightly dry, the pulp is soft and brittle. If the stems are dehydrated, the fully ripened stage is quite soft and dense to eat. 3) Gently press the surrounding area with your hands. If it is full of elasticity and moderately soft and hard, it means maturity. 4) Generally, the navel of melons with high maturity will be swollen. 5) For melons with a reticulated pattern, you can choose one with a clear reticulated pattern because, in the process of fruit growth, the internal growth rate is faster than that of the skin. The pressure of the fruit‘’ will form cracks from the inside to the outside, the juice will overflow from the cracks, and finally, it becomes an intricate web. 6) Heavier melons are juicier, while relatively light melons may be ripe, less juicy, and have more sugar. 7) Ripe melons taste sweeter and smell rich in aroma.

Hami melons that are ripe enough can be placed directly in the refrigerator, while those that need to be ripped should be placed in a ventilated and cool place to ripen slowly. After the pulp is cut, it is easy to oxidize and lose nutrients, so it is best to buy it whole. Once cut, wrap it in plastic wrap, put it in the refrigerator, and eat it. 

Hami melon is known as the "king of melons." It contains rich carbohydrates, citric acid, pectin, carotene, vitamins B, C, E, minerals, etc. It also helps digestion, clears body heat, detoxifies the body, and protects the liver and kidneys. Overall, Hami melons supplement the nutrients needed by the human body and help restore physical strength. It also contains various ribose acids and biological enzymes, promoting metabolism and protecting the kidneys; potassium ions can reduce high blood pressure, while rich folic acid can reduce the risk of polyps in the intestines. 

In the sense of Chinese medicine, the Hami melon is slightly cold. People with qi and blood deficiency should eat it carefully. Also, it is rich in sugar. Therefore people with diabetes and obesity should not overeat. In addition, the stem contains toxic substances, and it is dangerous to eat raw.

If you want to eat the most authentic, premium, natural and safe Hami melons, check out the Hong Kong brand - Hami Melon! Each melon has a unique anti-counterfeiting code, simply download the Awwws mobile app and scan the code to authenticate and learn more information.

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